#welcome Hey, My name is Edward. I like to make, study and analyze stuff that interest me. Whether it's [[music]], [[art]], [[tech]], [[research]], [[creatives]] or [[random]] , I enjoy exploring everything. Here you can find all my notes, research and ideas organized with visuals, narratives, diagrams, math and sometimes a little bit of #code ;). I am a second year comp science major at [LakeheadU](https://www.lakeheadu.ca) in Ontario with intents of specializing in ==machine learning== and ==big data approach==. Currently, all I do is work part-time, hang out with friends and study a lot. Most of my biggest ideas are still underdeveloped but stand at great potential, I believe. Two of which I want to configure before graduation are: - A big (infinite) centralized [blockchain network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain) that controls encrypted health data from any point on the planet ([[blockchain health network]]) - A non-linear ([[start here]]) [AR space](https://www.coursera.org/articles/ar?utm_medium=sem&utm_source=gg&utm_campaign=B2C_NAMER__coursera_FTCOF_courseraplus_pmax-namer-npls-and-search-themes-country-US-country-CA&campaignid=21019068954&adgroupid=6490842751&device=c&keyword=&matchtype=&network=x&devicemodel=&adposition=&creativeid=6490842751&hide_mobile_promo&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADdKX6Z7rP-2ZGTMArOxvUGfsgAsa&gclid=Cj0KCQiAlsy5BhDeARIsABRc6ZuwbkRmhBPFVwWWdoZt2mGwBf19d3zR0_9qVAVwkQh_mTybgQ6830kaAtL7EALw_wcB) that uses holographic projections to provide accurate test results for physical experiments ([[VANTAGE]]) My sole purpose of studying computer science is [[Philosophies and theories/knowledge|knowledge]]. I think knowledge is just a broad expansion of time. If we quantify time in sequences that are easily retrievable, numerous possibilities arise. Find out [more]([[tech/Big data networking/knowledge|knowledge]]). ## **How to navigate?** Each folder is a #category of something as named. In each category, there are more folders with different projects, researches and ideas. In those sub folders, there are intro files that provide an exposition on what you are about to dive into. The canvas file contains an image of obsidian canvas (since obsidian cannot display .canvas), visually mapping out the illustrations of that note. There are other notes with narratives and diagrams that will detail out different ideas as necessary. > [!example] Navigation: > ![[folder.svg]] I try to make everything simple enough for my own benefits as well as you reading right now. Don't worry if you come across something that seems complex. I am working on a glossary that'll aim to quantify and map out complex ideas of mine. And of course, Im always available to chat about these things. - To learn more about this site and how it works in detail, [[start here]]. - Find out what I'm working on right [[now]]. [Send me an email](contact) to talk. --- <span style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;">Find me on instagram</span> [![[Social.svg|50]]](https://www.instagram.com/princ3_lewis/)